Monday, February 19, 2018

President's Day Week

Today is President's Day. It was also a make-up snow day.  It looks like the weather this week is quite chilly as well., so continue to bundle up your kiddo!!!

Last week we started in with some of our flexible seating choices.  We have these options so far; soft seats, standing pods, lap trays, a camping chair, stability balls, and the newest one is a bean bag. The kiddos have been using them very nicely where they can relax in their learning environment instead of on the floor or seats.  Thank you to Brianica Talbot's grandmother who donated two more stability balls for our classroom.  Also, thank you to Erin McGinley and Amber McKnight who have donated towards our Donor's Choose Project to get more seating options.  It's amazing we have such supportive families, so thank you so much!!!

This weeks' learning targets skills are;

in Reading, we will be reading the story The Incredible Painting of Felix Clousseau.  In this story, we will be working with the skill of wondering (questioning) as we read. Our vocabulary words for this week are stunned, genius, chaos, and notorious.  /We will also be working with words with the sounds of y and when we add the suffixes er and est.

in Writing, we are working on selecting uncompleted drafts to publish for our end of the year books.  We are working on adding details such as color.  We will also be working with looking at unpunctuated passages to figure out where punctuation is needed.

in Science, we will be working on physical and chemical changes.  From there we will have an investigation with Root Beer Floats as a surprise. Then we go into the volume of objects.

in Math, we will review addition of 3 digit numbers.  Then we start subtracting 3 digit numbers.  Mental subtraction of 100's and 10's.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Happy Valentine's Week!

This is the week of friendship and love.  We celebrate this with our party on Wednesday, February 14th at 9:30 am.  We also have an early out that day as well.  We hope to see as many of you there we can.  Also, in 2nd grade, we do NOT make a Valentine box or bag here at school.  So whatever is created must be done at home.

This week's target learning skills are as follows;

in Reading- using Chester's Way to revisit and discuss inferencing skills from the clues author's give us.  We will also be discussing how characters can change throughout a story. Our new vocab for this week is miniature, duplicate, rarely, and disguise.

in Writing- we will read two books Beardream to talk about how to write an ending to a story, and Ducky to discuss writing stories with toys.  We are also working on using longer words by sounding out entire parts.

in Math- continue to work on 3 digit addition regrouping tens and ones, rewriting problems, and problem-solving by guess and checking.

in Science- working with Matter and learning about the difference in molecule actions