Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Last week of School for 2017!

I'm sorry I'm a little late posting this week. It's been a crazy week already.  We have a busy, busy week.  Yesterday we had our School Spelling Bee. Congratulations to Raelyn Conard form our classroom who got 2nd place!

This week we have a few dress-up days; Monday-Christmas socks and hats, Tuesday-favorite holiday character, Wednesday- PJ Polar Express Day, and Thursday-Ugly Sweater Day. 

Our 2nd Quarter ends today Tuesday, December 19th.   If kiddos met their self-appointed AR goal then they will have their AR Party tomorrow in the afternoon. Then on Thursday, we have our Christmas Character Trait Assembly at about 8:15 am.  then following that we will have our Winter Christmas Party at 9:30 am.

This week in Math we will review addition and skills games.  In Reading, we completed a Snowman project where they had to create a snowman working in a group and then create an adventure story around it.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Last FULL Week of December at School in 2017!!

Did you see the title?? Oh my how it has flown.  This leads us into one of the busiest times of the year...Holiday Mart.  Each of our classes has a designated Library time throughout the week.  We will also use that time, for us on Tuesday from 12:25-1:05 to check out books and shop for our families.  This is totally optional but there will be items from 25 cents up to $15.  An envelope was sent home last week that if you would like your child to shop to send a few dollars and on the envelop write down who they need to shop for tomorrow. 

Starting in 2018 our Spelling tests will be the same but with a slight change for our Fridays.  Starting January if your child has only missed one on their Pre Wednesday test, they will be given the option of redoing it for a 100%.  It will be their decision whether they retry. If they missed 2 or more they will still have to retake their Friday list test.

This week we will be so busy with these target skills;

In Reading, we will start off with reviewing synonyms and antonyms. Then from there, we will read The Grinch Who Stoel Christmas and create a lapbook with cause and effect, summaries, sequencing, and comparing our traditions to the Who's.  After completion of this lapbook, we will move onto a Frosty/Snowmany project that will also mix writing into it.

In Writing, we will complete our Dear Santa letters so we can send them to the North Pole by Thursday so we can possibly see if he replies.  Then we will be working on a Frosty/Snowman writing adventure story.

In Social Studies we will look at saving and spending through the story Alexander Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday. We then go into discussing goods and services for a few days. 

In Math, we are working on reviewing 2 digit addition through games and problem solving until we leave for Christmas.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

1st Full Week of December

The weather started our delightful with our new month.  However, this week just gets colder. So please encourage your kiddo to wear their winter jackets.  We might still go outside if the wind chill isn't too high to get our bodies up and moving around.

I sent home a book order last week for December.  If you or your kiddo was wanting to order books to have them in before Christmas break they need to be ordered by this Friday! Also if you were wanting to order something for Christmas let me know so I can hold it back and contact you separately.

This week our target skills are as follows;

in Reading; Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig and Three Little Pigs, comparing and contrasting, new vocab; gobble, plenty, fragrant, usual, unusual, rude, dash, and approach

in Writing; 5 parts of a letter, coming up with wants and needs to write a letter to Santa, how to introduce ourselves inside of a letter, and persuasive techniques

in Math; adding 3/4 2 digit numbers, problem-solving, and reviewing adding more than one digit

in Social Studies; intro to Economics unit, green dragon dollars, income/expenses, wants vs needs, being money smart and money foolish